
Sinusitis is defined as an inflammation or swelling of the tissue which lines the sinuses. Sinuses are filled with air, but when sinuses become blocked and get filled with fluids, germs (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) can grow and cause an infection. An infection can cause a headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area. A person who has a sinus infection may also have a cough, a fever, bad breath, and nasal congestion with thick nasal secretions.

The nose is in direct contact with the external environment, it is exposed to many microorganisms and pollutants present in the atmosphere.  Environmental factors such as Allergies, especially hay fever or environmental allergies (such as pollen or chemicals), air pollutions, hairspray, grasses and pesticides, fumes from inappropriate burning of trash, propane, coal, charcoal, etc. lead to Sinusitis or Chronic Sinusitis.

What are the Causes of Sinusitis?

Conditions that can cause sinus blockage includes –

  • Small growths in the lining of the nose called nasal polyps can block the nasal passages
  • Deviated nasal septum – the wall between the nostrils may restrict or block the sinus passage
  • Respiratory tract infections – Infections in the respiratory tract may inflame and thicken your sinus membranes and block the mucus drainage.
  • Allergies such as hay fever
  • Other medical conditions – The complications of conditions such as HIV and other immune system related diseases can lead to the nasal blockage.

What are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

Sinusitis, whether it is acute or chronic frequently develops after a cold or during times of severe or ongoing allergic rhinitis symptoms. A most common sign of sinusitis is a painful pressure in the cheeks and forehead. Other symptoms include –

  • Thick yellow-green nasal discharge
  • Cough
  • Swelling of the face
  • Loss of senses of smell and taste
  • Blocked nose
  • Congestion
  • Generally feeling unwell

What are the Different Types of Sinusitis?

Sinusitis always involves nasal swelling and a buildup of mucus, but there is different types and can last for different lengths of time. Types are given below –

  1. Acute Sinusitis – This is the most common type and lasts up to 4 weeks.
  2. Subacute Sinusitis – Symptoms last longer than the normal acute period between 4 – 12 weeks.
  3. Chronic Sinusitis – In this, symptoms persist or continually return even after 12 weeks.

What is an Ayurvedic View of Sinusitis?

In Ayurveda, Sinusitis can be correlated with ‘Dushta Pratishyaya’ explaining in under ‘Nasagata Roga’ in detail, where the main dosha affected is Kapha. Pratishyaya is characterized by nasasrava (running nose), ghranauparodha (nasal obstruction), shirashoolam (headache), shirogaurvam (heaviness in head), jwara (fever), klama (tiredness), etc. When Kapha dosha get aggravated and vitiates the Vata dosha, they accumulate in the head producing Pratishyaya.

What is the Ayurvedic Treatment for Sinusitis?

Other medicines are just managed the problem for a short while, give instant relief but do not cure it permanently. These medicines have side-effects also like and leads to various multi-organ diseases. In Ayurveda, finding the root cause is always the first step and then that cause is managed and treated without having any side effect along with a strengthening of that very disease prone organ.

Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides you the best natural treatment for Sinusitis, which cure this condition in a natural way without causing any side effects. We provided ‘Sinusitis Care Kit’ that contains all the natural herbs including the following products – Asthma care powder, Kas Shwas Hari Rasa, Kaphaketu Rasa, Kuka Fighter Syrup, and Anu Tailam.



1. Sinusitis Care Powder

Sinusitis Care powder contains a mixture of herbal ingredients which mainly balances the Vata and Kapha Dosha. This powder contains ingredients such as – Godanti bhasma, Laxmi vilas ras, Sitopladi churna, Abhrak bhasma, etc. The ingredients help in reducing the mucus accumulated in the chest and making it easy to cough out. It is very beneficial in chronic cough, whooping cough, and trouble breathing. This herbal powder also relieves congestion of chest, nose, & sore throat.

Recommended Dosage – Take1 Sachet twice a day with normal water.

2. Kas Shwas Hari Rasa

Kas Shwas Hari rasa is an Ayurvedic potent medicine mainly used for Respiratory related problems. It balances Kapha and Vata Dosha. The tablets contain – Laxmivilas nardiya rasa, Shwas kasa chintamani rasa, Sutashekhar rasa, Talisadi churna processed in Bhawana Vasa Kwath. The tablet gives the best results in recurrent cold, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, recurring cough, etc.

Recommended Dosage– Take 1 tablet twice a day with normal water.

3. Kaphaketu Rasa

It is an Ayurvedic remedy that balances all the Tridosha and containing Shuddha Tankan (Purified borax), Shuddha Vatsnabh (Purified aconitum ferox), Shankha Bhasma (Bhasma of Conch shell), etc. It is used in the treatment of cough, cold, rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, throat problems, etc.

Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.

4. Kuka Fighter Syrup

Kuka Fighter Syrup is a best known to treat various types of problem like cough, common cold, headache, excess production of mucus, anorexia, bodyache, etc.  The herbal syrup contains Tulsi   (Ocimum sanctum), Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica), Kulanjan (Alpinia glanza), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), etc. It is very beneficial in the treatment of rhinitis and other respiratory diseases. It helps in preventing and reducing respiratory infections.

Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice a day with normal water.

5. Anu Tailam

Anu tailam is herbal and ayurvedic oil used for nasal instillation for curing the various diseases. It is beneficial in diseases related to head, brain, face, nose, and eyes. This oil mainly balances the Kapha Dosha and generally recommended in chronic headache, the problem of migraine, sinusitis, blemishes, etc. The base oil of Anu Tailam is Sesame oil and other ingredients are – Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Brihati (Solanum indicum), Chandan (Santalum album), Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus), etc. The combination of these ingredients is a very good remedy for inflammation of nasal mucosa, sinusitis, headache, weak eyesight, etc. It helps in clearing the sinuses and prevents sinusitis and also lubricates nasal mucosa. Hence, it reduces nasal congestion, infections of sinuses.

Recommended Dosage – Put 2-3 drops of Anu tailam in each nostril.

What is the Panchakarma Treatment for Sinusitis?

The Ayurvedic approach to the management of sinusitis is multifaceted and can involve a combination of detoxification processes through Panchakarma, Oral medicines, Dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides the best Panchakarma therapies in the management of Sinusitis. These therapies are conducted by super specialist staff and conduct under the supervision of a Doctor.

The Therapies are –

  • Nasyam – Nasya karma is a unique therapy specially conducted to cure the diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is a process in which medicated oil or powder is administrated through the nostrils to clear the Kapha accumulation. By this therapy, almost all the symptoms of the sinusitis will be reduced and it also prevents the recurrence of this disease.
  • Shirolepam – In this process, a mixture of medicated herbs are formed, convert it into a paste and apply it all around the head for hardly 20-30 minutes. By this therapy relieves stress, anxiety, promotes the nerve stimulation, beneficial in hypertension, reduces the migraine, and symptoms of sinusitis.
  • Uro Basti – Uro Basti is one of the most powerful treatments in Ayurveda that aids in the healthy functioning of the heart and is beneficial for the management of the upper respiratory tract. A leak-proof mould, made up of black gram dough is fixed over the chest region. Lukewarm herbal medicated oil is prescribed by therapists and is slowly poured into that the mould and let it stay. After the procedure, the mould is removed and the chest region is massaged gently for the better absorption of the medicine. The duration of treatment is 30 minutes.

Healthy Tips and Diet for Sinusitis Patients

  • Water – Drink plenty of fresh, clean, filtered water that is essential to the health of our sinuses.
  • Pineapple – Pineapple is rich in antioxidants that protect the delicate mucus membrane from damage. The enzymes in pineapple also break down the junk that builds up in sinuses and reduces the inflammation.
  • Garlic – Garlic acts as an antibacterial, antifungal, and stimulates many of the pathways to reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Coconut oil – Coconut oil is very good at reducing inflammation and also killing many bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Try oil pulling with a spoonful of coconut oil and notice your sinuses clear up too.
  • Avoid Mycotoxins – In Chronic Sinusitis, avoid foods that are likely to contain mycotoxins, including peanuts, corn, barley, sugar, alcohol, cottonseed oil, mushrooms, or other fungi.
  • Get Some Sun – It’s the best way to increase the body’s level of vitamin D, which may alleviate sinus problems by enhancing the immune system. Specifically, Vitamin D helps in an inflammatory response and helps the body to prevent viruses and infections in the sinuses.
  • Steam – Inhaling steam can loosen mucus, and gently clear sinuses. You can use a bowl of lukewarm water, steam machines, or even a hot shower to hydrate away some of the pain.
  • Stress relief – Stress promotes sinus problems by creating oxidative compounds and limiting many of the body’s regular functions. Reduce your stress by exercises, yoga, & meditation.
  • Exercise – Exercise improves circulation, moves lymph fluid, aids the immune system, and increases mucus production.
  • Yoga – Yoga makes breathing easier as it opens up your nostrils and allows a smooth flow of air. It even clears the throat region enabling you to deal with the sinusitis problem better. Best yoga poses for sinusitis are – Gomukhasana, Ustrasana, Adh mukha Svanasana, Salambha sarvangasana, Setu bandha sarvangasana, etc.

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